Thursday, May 30, 2024

What will it be?

 It will be Civil War.

Not because we love Donald Trump, but because the Socialists have wiped their collective ass with our Constitution and the Rule of Law. 

Included in the term "Socialist" is all Democrats that have voted for this nonsense over and over, for whatever lofty reasons they might conjure. The end-result of their good intentions is SOCIALIST DICTATORSHIP. That is what you have sown, and so you shall reap the violence of the wars that will follow, because we SURELY will not accept what you are trying to force down our throats. Nor will our children.

Our Constitution, the deal our ancestors made when we INVENTED this Republic, established the Rule of Law. That means that we can make rules that EVERYONE can follow, and be punished for violating.  And a process for deciding if a rule was violated. The Law rules, not people, anointed ones, politicians, or even presidents. Democrat appointed Judges have IGNORED 237 years of precedent, and are applying purposefully mis-interpreted laws arbitrarily. THAT is the end of the Republic, period. And the very definition of a Banana Republic. The other day, Judge Merchan basically told the jury that they don't even really need to believe Trump committed a crime to find him GUILTY... of committing a crime. If that is allowed to stand, NO ONE IS SAFE in this country. He will have just demolished the last cornerstone of Justice. Which is a declaration of war because he knows we will not stand for it.

It will be Civil War because we will not swallow the vituperative gender-fluid GARBAGE you are pushing on us. It will be because you have ruined our financial system with Keynesian corruption where our children are born into SLAVERY, owing currently $103,000 EACH and rising daily, just for taking their first breath, and all so politicians don't have to ask us for money to fund their socialist schemes. It will be because you have LIED to us, consistently, for 100 years now. You lied about your aims because we would NEVER submit to your encroachments otherwise. Neither would most of your supporters, if they knew the truth. You want CONTROL and to be free from Natures consequences. Just admit it. Control over the economy without the natural abhorrence and refusal of enlightened individuals to participate. Control of our collective health so you can add or subtract from our numbers according to how many people you think should be breathing at any given time without worrying about the consequences when we, the peons, don't agree. Control of what is deemed Fact or Fiction, so you never have to defend yourselves against Natures' Logic and Reason. 

You are FOOLS to think that, if you ever get what you want, true Democracy, it will be anything but an ephemeral step on the path towards a Socialist Dictatorship, Communism. It always has, and it always will, because it is simply Human Nature run amok. As a simple proof I submit to you the DEMOCRATS subverting Democracy over and over again by cheating in elections, including their OWN PRIMARIES (Bernie Sanders). Very un-Democratic of those Democrats, don't you think? They don't really want, or care about, Democracy, they want CONTROL. Every Socialist does. It is what DEFINES them. They want you to CHOOSE to obey them, or else.

So, put Trump in jail and see what happens. "When, in the course of human events..."


Saturday, February 24, 2024

Moral and Religious?

 "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

- John Adams

Our Nation is arguably no longer made up of a "moral and religious people." To them, and many of us as well, Religion has been watered down into a meaningless muck, and Morality has been rendered subjective and un-fashionable. 

Question: Why are we acting as if our constitution is still adequate to govern us as a whole? It is not. It is a CHARADE at this point. Don't get me wrong... it is timeless and profound, and its' Truths are endure. Some day, after a great divide and purge, it may be adequate again. Right now, for us to act like it is still valid when they use it against us and we can't even agree on what it means, is like us fighting with both hands tied behind our backs. Why do we do this? Civility, I guess, and concern and love for our fellow man, that we may appeal to their Reason and Logic, and win them over to our side. I no longer feel this way. I feel that the enemy of civilization and brotherhood only listens to, and respects, POWER and overwhelming FORCE, like the savages they are. Which explains the 'Rise of the Strong Man' phenomena, like Donald Trump.

So, yeah... declare Martial Law and see what happens when the people realize that you just suspended the very document that created the government and your offices and titles. And let the Tree of Liberty be watered.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Happy 2024! And WTF??!?!!?

Man... WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON here? Nobody really knows, and that is by design. But in my opinion, the very root of the problem, and the reason nothing ever seems to get DONE about ANYTHING is this: The entire Law Enforcement apparatus in this country is CORRUPT. Hear me out...

Lets say a local thug gets busted driving across state lines with drugs. The FBI gets involved, paperwork gets filed, he does a month in the county jail and is back on the streets. What happened? The local FBI dude now has a foot-soldier to do his bidding next time some nefarious deeds need to get done. The local cops are left empty-handed. The People, who created the cops, FBI, and the whole damn government for the very purpose of enforcing the Law, which indirectly keeps us safe, is now LESS SAFE because of it.

Now, lets say a local politician gets busted in a prostitution sting, and is sitting in some room with local cops wondering what to do. Some black suited G-man walks in, takes over the investigation, and next thing you know, he is back on TV dedicating a new homeless shelter. What happened? The Government now has a foot-soldier who can keep his job, his family, and his reputation as long as he votes how he is told from now on. He will say all the right things to keep his constituents placated, but will DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to stop their steady slide into slavery. The local cops are left empty-handed. The People, who created the cops, FBI, and the whole damn government for the very purpose of enforcing the Law, is not represented and is now LESS SAFE because of it.

Now, lets say, some asshole billionaire gets busted, finally, for trafficking underage girls for the purpose of having sex with him and his rich buddies. He has records of all of these scumbags doing horrible things with some VERY affluent and POWERFUL people, pictures, and videos. All of that is SIEZED by the FBI, y'know, for the victims privacy, and promptly DISAPPEARS, and the scumbag commits "suicide." All the government can say is, "Oh, bummer! Well, at least that is over!" But what about all the other scumbags? The FBI now has all these people under their thumb, to do it's bidding whenever it needs bidding done. They are all left anonymous, to continue being scumbags, under the radar, The local cops are left empty-handed, and the People, who created the cops, FBI, and the whole damn government for the very purpose of enforcing the Law, is not represented and is now LESS SAFE because of it.

This is the essence of corruption. We created the government for very specific purposes. But now, the FBI, CIA, State cops, and local cops are now all competing to compile their own "black books" full of assholes that they SHOULD have busted and removed from being able to further damage our society, but the let them go, and actually PROTECT them against scrutiny, for the sole purpose of CONTROLLING them. 

How can anything get done once this corruption takes hold? And it surely has! It began the VERY MINUTE the FBI was created! Local cops have always done it, albeit on a very small scale. And the FBI didn't invent it. It is ancient, I'm sure. But in EVERY CASE it is dangerous, and detrimental to the health of society.

Now, imagine the DEA, FBI, BATFE, CIA, USPS, USDA, and USFS all trying to take charge of the same investigation, maybe because a foreign diplomat was smuggling drugs inside of Cocobolo cigar boxes and storing them in a bunker on public land. They all want the bust so they can control him, and now we have alphabet agencies spending all their resources trying to protect themselves against other agencies instead of enforcing the Laws which keep us safe. It is a runaway, positive-feedback loop that only ends when it spins itself to pieces in a spectacular explosion, also called MARTIAL LAW and CIVIL WAR. 

I don't know if it can be prevented. I'm pretty sure it CAN'T! The corruption is not even being hidden anymore. Look at the Biden Crime Syndicate. Look at Bill Gates. The Clintons. The richest man in the world is even talking about it openly. Surely much of Pizzagate is bullshit, but how much of it is not? They don't even have to hide anymore! And the devil HATES having to hide. He wants to tell you exactly what he wants to do, while he does it. It makes his crimes all the more delectable to him. 

We COULD vote our way out of this... but will we? I don't think so. Even here in Idaho we still elect soft Republicans who are controlled by corporate donors and DO NOTHING for us. We are so enamored with being "Permissive" and "Inclusive" that we have permitted insanity and included delusion. How can we expect anything other than what is happening in the big cities to be the new normal? 

I really believe that the answer lies in the "public purse." Or rather, that there EXISTS a public purse, from which largesse may be drawn and spent on the whims of politicians, who no longer even need to ask us to keep it filled. But sending representatives to do something about it hasn't helped. Ron Paul tried for DECADES, but he fought alone, and was ignored. And anyone else was either caught with a prostitute, or died in a plane crash/brake failure/"suicide."

I don't know what to do except PREPARE. And get out of the cities. I would say it would be better to die early in the fight. Thems that dies are the lucky ones, right? But I have children, and grandchildren. And so, I prepare and hope that the fight comes in my time so that they may find peace, and re-build, in theirs. 

Monday, August 14, 2023

Something ELSE to Ponder

 So, Facebook is deleting comments they don't agree with. I commented on my last post and it disappeared. It was a comment on this post on Survivalblog. So I wrote it again, and elaborated a bit, and posted it to my Blog for protection. Let's see what happens...

Something to ponder: The Communists think you are SHEEP, and there is too many of you. Everything you see in the news is an attempt to corral you up so you can be controlled. Once you are in the pen, the lies they told to get you in there don't matter anymore. The only difference between Socialism, Fascism, Progressivism, Fabian Socialism, Liberalism, etc. is HOW TO GET YOU IN THE PEN. After that there is only Communism. And any 'rights' you have are decided by the shepherd. 

In Individualist Capitalism your Rights are Inalienable and the goal is to make sure no one is ever able to put anyone in a pen. "Society" is a mental construct and only exists for the benefit of the Individual. The very INSTANT even one individual is harmed, society ceases to exist and all that is left is either Anarchy or Despotism. That is supposed to be the function of the Civil Court System: To repair Society.

Half of this country is just fine with being in a pen, as long as they can force you into it too, usually by appealing to some lie they believed.  Climate change, Pandemics, Inequality, Immigration, Animal Rights, BLM/Antifa, Globalism, endless wars, IMF, aliens, etc are all part of the lies they tell to get us in the pen, and everything is on the table if they can exploit it in their favor. Remember who said "Never let a crisis go to waste?" 

Our forefathers set up this Constitution so that it would STAND in the face of entropy because Truth is ETERNAL. Communists HATE anything that STANDS and doesn't bend to the will of the majority, including Truth. And that is why they must tear this Nation down.

I believe we are at the point where their lies are falling apart and they are about to be exposed before the gates can be closed on us. This is why there seems to be a 'quickening,' a desperate push and abandonment of pretense. THIS is the point where we will win, or lose, this fight. Any soft Republicans must be sent packing. Anyone who doesn't have their right hand cocked and their head on a swivel is headed into the pen. And watch out, because many of us might just be fine with allowing them to close the gates on all of you who wandered aimlessly into the pen. But don't worry, we'll get you out. It might take a few generations, though.

Friday, May 26, 2023

 We've been saying "Get woke, go broke" for YEARS. Why are we proven right every time? Because we recognize Wokism, BLM, environmentalism, LGBTQ-ism, and liberalism in general as just logical conclusions of MARXISM. And Marxism NEVER sleeps. That's why, if you go woke, like Target, it won't help you. You will piss off your PAYING customer base to appease a very small number of people that will NEVER think you are woke enough until you just walk away from your corporate offices and hand them the keys. And if you realize what is happening before that point and try to undo the damage, the Marxists will be enraged and we will still shun you. How about this: Sell us the shit we need and SHUT THE FUCK UP. You corporations, bureaucrats, and governmental leaders are not like the conductor in front of the cultural orchestra. Culture develops NATURALLY as people learn how to best live together in peace. And if our cultural habits and ideas are HEALTHY, we will thrive. It is obvious that WESTERN CULTURE, a result of 10,000 years of European cultural experimentation, has culminated in the most healthy, stable, and THRIVING civilization on the planet, ever. It is not perfect, but it is NATURAL, and is built upon a deeper understanding of Human Nature. And for someone to think that they can get up on a pedestal above us and orchestrate us according to some idea they just had last week is offensive and FUTILE! This is what Marxism is trying to do: systematically dismantle and flush our culture down the drain because a few people get left by the wayside. It will fail because WE CANNOT SWALLOW IT. We are not ants. It is SLAVERY and it is repugnant to rational beings. Every day of the week. Always.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Do Cops keep us safe?

 I agree with ALL of this, and stand beside the author when he says it is time for a divorce because it may be the only way to avoid bloodshed. But I'd like to talk about lesson number 12. 

It has been settled in court that cops have NO RESPONSIBILITY to risk their lives. Many of them do, on a daily basis, and should be commended for that. But that is NOT THEIR JOB. Their job is to enforce the law. That, indirectly, brings peace and safety. But they do not "protect and serve" or keep us safe... directly. It is a very important distinction. 

Plants and trees sit there all day transpiring water through their leaves which vaporizes and ends up in the upper atmosphere where it is considered a GREENHOUSE GAS!! There is FIVE TIMES more of it than CO2, which everyone is wanting to take us back to the stone age over. It could be said that plants and trees are indirectly CAUSING GLOBAL WARMING, but no one says that. Because that would be absurd, right? 

It is just as absurd to say that cops "protect and serve" or provide safety, especially in light of the FACT that they are not required to protect us. Or even serve us. They only enforce the law. And, if honesty matters to anyone, they do it SELECTIVELY. Mostly because they are given an impossible task of enforcing WAY TOO MANY laws with too few resources... but also because it is to THEIR BENEFIT to have poorly written laws that allow grey areas and wiggle room so they can enforce the shit out of certain laws on certain people, and not so much of other laws on other people. 

I am not saying I am against this. I am, but I have no solutions and it is the natural order of things when we play the game of trying to organize Nature as we see fit. It is untenable and a fallacy to think we can while remaining Free. Cops CANNOT provide us safety without putting us in a pen for our own good. 

It would be healthier for society if we recognized this fact instead of living in a fantasy world where we think we can pay people to keep us safe. We cannot. We must do that for ourselves if we wish to be Free.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

What will you do?


Dear Democrats and soft Republicans:

What will you do?

When you find out that masks were never effective at preventing the spread of Covid, and the "Experts" knew and made you and your kids wear them for two years... what will you do? And when you discover that there are PLENTY of experts, scientists, epidemiologists, etc. that say this "vaccine" is no such thing, it is dangerous, has killed 20,000+ Americans and will kill more soon even though the Media and the Government told you it was "safe and effective," what will you do? What will you do when you find out that there are other treatments that are cheap, safe, MORE EFFECTIVE, common, and available but the "experts" prevented you from knowing about them so they could test out this new technology and sell it to us through our insurance companies while keeping them safe from any liability through Emergency Use Authorizations?

What will you do when you realize that you and your kids SUFFERED through lockdowns, face-diaper mandates, fear, uncertainty, vaxx mandates, job loss, businesses closing, deaths of loved ones in isolated hospital wards, sickness, delayed treatment of other maladies, remote learning, loss of savings, foreclosures, all while the government PRINTED enough money to keep itself afloat, and signed our children’s names at the bottom to pay it back?

What about when you see the pictures and videos of politicians and celebrities having private parties with no social distancing or masks, and getting haircuts and eating in fancy restaurants while we are supposed to be locked down? And having their masked servants dress them for the Oscars while they remain maskless? What will you do when you realize that their whole narrative has fallen apart and their lies have been laid bare but they continue to double-down, at your expense, because it would be devastating to them to admit they are wrong?

What about when you find out that there are Nations on this same planet that had a MUCH more moderate, and successful, response to Covid, like Sweden, South Korea, Taiwan, Latvia, and Japan and didn’t suffer and destroy themselves in the process? Or that Ivermectin, what you all called “horse de-wormer” worked MIRACLES in countries like India, Japan, and South Africa?

Will you be mad? Will you wonder if it was all planned? Will you trust anyone in government ever again? Will you still think of yourself as a Democrat? Will you start to wonder if what they told you about the Southern Border Crisis, the Keystone Pipeline, Fracking, Ukraine, January 6th, BLM, ANTIFA, The FBI, the origin of Covid, Climate Change, Green Energy, Gender dysphoria, Epstein, Trump, Obama, and Clinton was true?

Just remember that there are people out there that knew all of this was phony, and tried to warn you, and were marginalized, persecuted, canceled, shouted-down, and even MURDERED. THEY were right, and the government, media, politicians, and Big-Pharma were WRONG! And so, who will you blame? Who will you vote for?

There are still people capable of running this government without being full of shit all the time. They are the Conservative Republicans. Not the RINOS, but libertarian-minded conservatives. What you all call "right-wingers?" They are called that because they are to the right of the RINOS, so-called conservatives that are soft in the middle, who have sold you into slavery just as surely as the Liberals, just at a slower pace because they don't STAND on their principals and don't realize they are fighting with both hands tied behind their backs. They don't even realize they are in a fight at all.

Never trust:

  • ·         Democrats, including Presidents, Representatives, Governors, Mayors, Police Chiefs, even the dog-catcher. Not even Tulsi Gabbard, even though I like her.
  • ·         Luke-warm Republicans, RINO’s, or anyone advocating unity, reconciliation, or compromise.
  • ·         The NIH and CDC, until they have a house cleaning.
  • ·         The World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab.
  • ·         Bill Gates.
  • ·         Fauci.
  • ·         China.
  • ·         Military leaders at the Pentagon Level, maybe even at the Division and Battalion level.
  • ·         And ANYONE in the mainstream Media, sadly including Fox News. With Fox, trust, but verify.

Our children deserve better from us. We cannot hand them a world on the edge of annihilation, with no hope. It has been said that we have three ways to solve this: the soap box, the ballot box, and the ammo box. When we use the soap box we get shouted-down and canceled. When we use the Ballot box we get defrauded, dis-enfranchised and outright CHEATED. That leaves the Ammo Box, and we have been VERY patient and reluctant to go that way. No-one wants that. But we are ever-vigilant. And we preserve the spirit of rebellion.