Saturday, February 24, 2024

Moral and Religious?

 "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

- John Adams

Our Nation is arguably no longer made up of a "moral and religious people." To them, and many of us as well, Religion has been watered down into a meaningless muck, and Morality has been rendered subjective and un-fashionable. 

Question: Why are we acting as if our constitution is still adequate to govern us as a whole? It is not. It is a CHARADE at this point. Don't get me wrong... it is timeless and profound, and its' Truths are endure. Some day, after a great divide and purge, it may be adequate again. Right now, for us to act like it is still valid when they use it against us and we can't even agree on what it means, is like us fighting with both hands tied behind our backs. Why do we do this? Civility, I guess, and concern and love for our fellow man, that we may appeal to their Reason and Logic, and win them over to our side. I no longer feel this way. I feel that the enemy of civilization and brotherhood only listens to, and respects, POWER and overwhelming FORCE, like the savages they are. Which explains the 'Rise of the Strong Man' phenomena, like Donald Trump.

So, yeah... declare Martial Law and see what happens when the people realize that you just suspended the very document that created the government and your offices and titles. And let the Tree of Liberty be watered.

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