Thursday, May 30, 2024

What will it be?

 It will be Civil War.

Not because we love Donald Trump, but because the Socialists have wiped their collective ass with our Constitution and the Rule of Law. 

Included in the term "Socialist" is all Democrats that have voted for this nonsense over and over, for whatever lofty reasons they might conjure. The end-result of their good intentions is SOCIALIST DICTATORSHIP. That is what you have sown, and so you shall reap the violence of the wars that will follow, because we SURELY will not accept what you are trying to force down our throats. Nor will our children.

Our Constitution, the deal our ancestors made when we INVENTED this Republic, established the Rule of Law. That means that we can make rules that EVERYONE can follow, and be punished for violating.  And a process for deciding if a rule was violated. The Law rules, not people, anointed ones, politicians, or even presidents. Democrat appointed Judges have IGNORED 237 years of precedent, and are applying purposefully mis-interpreted laws arbitrarily. THAT is the end of the Republic, period. And the very definition of a Banana Republic. The other day, Judge Merchan basically told the jury that they don't even really need to believe Trump committed a crime to find him GUILTY... of committing a crime. If that is allowed to stand, NO ONE IS SAFE in this country. He will have just demolished the last cornerstone of Justice. Which is a declaration of war because he knows we will not stand for it.

It will be Civil War because we will not swallow the vituperative gender-fluid GARBAGE you are pushing on us. It will be because you have ruined our financial system with Keynesian corruption where our children are born into SLAVERY, owing currently $103,000 EACH and rising daily, just for taking their first breath, and all so politicians don't have to ask us for money to fund their socialist schemes. It will be because you have LIED to us, consistently, for 100 years now. You lied about your aims because we would NEVER submit to your encroachments otherwise. Neither would most of your supporters, if they knew the truth. You want CONTROL and to be free from Natures consequences. Just admit it. Control over the economy without the natural abhorrence and refusal of enlightened individuals to participate. Control of our collective health so you can add or subtract from our numbers according to how many people you think should be breathing at any given time without worrying about the consequences when we, the peons, don't agree. Control of what is deemed Fact or Fiction, so you never have to defend yourselves against Natures' Logic and Reason. 

You are FOOLS to think that, if you ever get what you want, true Democracy, it will be anything but an ephemeral step on the path towards a Socialist Dictatorship, Communism. It always has, and it always will, because it is simply Human Nature run amok. As a simple proof I submit to you the DEMOCRATS subverting Democracy over and over again by cheating in elections, including their OWN PRIMARIES (Bernie Sanders). Very un-Democratic of those Democrats, don't you think? They don't really want, or care about, Democracy, they want CONTROL. Every Socialist does. It is what DEFINES them. They want you to CHOOSE to obey them, or else.

So, put Trump in jail and see what happens. "When, in the course of human events..."


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