Saturday, March 5, 2022

What will you do?


Dear Democrats and soft Republicans:

What will you do?

When you find out that masks were never effective at preventing the spread of Covid, and the "Experts" knew and made you and your kids wear them for two years... what will you do? And when you discover that there are PLENTY of experts, scientists, epidemiologists, etc. that say this "vaccine" is no such thing, it is dangerous, has killed 20,000+ Americans and will kill more soon even though the Media and the Government told you it was "safe and effective," what will you do? What will you do when you find out that there are other treatments that are cheap, safe, MORE EFFECTIVE, common, and available but the "experts" prevented you from knowing about them so they could test out this new technology and sell it to us through our insurance companies while keeping them safe from any liability through Emergency Use Authorizations?

What will you do when you realize that you and your kids SUFFERED through lockdowns, face-diaper mandates, fear, uncertainty, vaxx mandates, job loss, businesses closing, deaths of loved ones in isolated hospital wards, sickness, delayed treatment of other maladies, remote learning, loss of savings, foreclosures, all while the government PRINTED enough money to keep itself afloat, and signed our children’s names at the bottom to pay it back?

What about when you see the pictures and videos of politicians and celebrities having private parties with no social distancing or masks, and getting haircuts and eating in fancy restaurants while we are supposed to be locked down? And having their masked servants dress them for the Oscars while they remain maskless? What will you do when you realize that their whole narrative has fallen apart and their lies have been laid bare but they continue to double-down, at your expense, because it would be devastating to them to admit they are wrong?

What about when you find out that there are Nations on this same planet that had a MUCH more moderate, and successful, response to Covid, like Sweden, South Korea, Taiwan, Latvia, and Japan and didn’t suffer and destroy themselves in the process? Or that Ivermectin, what you all called “horse de-wormer” worked MIRACLES in countries like India, Japan, and South Africa?

Will you be mad? Will you wonder if it was all planned? Will you trust anyone in government ever again? Will you still think of yourself as a Democrat? Will you start to wonder if what they told you about the Southern Border Crisis, the Keystone Pipeline, Fracking, Ukraine, January 6th, BLM, ANTIFA, The FBI, the origin of Covid, Climate Change, Green Energy, Gender dysphoria, Epstein, Trump, Obama, and Clinton was true?

Just remember that there are people out there that knew all of this was phony, and tried to warn you, and were marginalized, persecuted, canceled, shouted-down, and even MURDERED. THEY were right, and the government, media, politicians, and Big-Pharma were WRONG! And so, who will you blame? Who will you vote for?

There are still people capable of running this government without being full of shit all the time. They are the Conservative Republicans. Not the RINOS, but libertarian-minded conservatives. What you all call "right-wingers?" They are called that because they are to the right of the RINOS, so-called conservatives that are soft in the middle, who have sold you into slavery just as surely as the Liberals, just at a slower pace because they don't STAND on their principals and don't realize they are fighting with both hands tied behind their backs. They don't even realize they are in a fight at all.

Never trust:

  • ·         Democrats, including Presidents, Representatives, Governors, Mayors, Police Chiefs, even the dog-catcher. Not even Tulsi Gabbard, even though I like her.
  • ·         Luke-warm Republicans, RINO’s, or anyone advocating unity, reconciliation, or compromise.
  • ·         The NIH and CDC, until they have a house cleaning.
  • ·         The World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab.
  • ·         Bill Gates.
  • ·         Fauci.
  • ·         China.
  • ·         Military leaders at the Pentagon Level, maybe even at the Division and Battalion level.
  • ·         And ANYONE in the mainstream Media, sadly including Fox News. With Fox, trust, but verify.

Our children deserve better from us. We cannot hand them a world on the edge of annihilation, with no hope. It has been said that we have three ways to solve this: the soap box, the ballot box, and the ammo box. When we use the soap box we get shouted-down and canceled. When we use the Ballot box we get defrauded, dis-enfranchised and outright CHEATED. That leaves the Ammo Box, and we have been VERY patient and reluctant to go that way. No-one wants that. But we are ever-vigilant. And we preserve the spirit of rebellion.

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