Thursday, June 2, 2022

Do Cops keep us safe?

 I agree with ALL of this, and stand beside the author when he says it is time for a divorce because it may be the only way to avoid bloodshed. But I'd like to talk about lesson number 12. 

It has been settled in court that cops have NO RESPONSIBILITY to risk their lives. Many of them do, on a daily basis, and should be commended for that. But that is NOT THEIR JOB. Their job is to enforce the law. That, indirectly, brings peace and safety. But they do not "protect and serve" or keep us safe... directly. It is a very important distinction. 

Plants and trees sit there all day transpiring water through their leaves which vaporizes and ends up in the upper atmosphere where it is considered a GREENHOUSE GAS!! There is FIVE TIMES more of it than CO2, which everyone is wanting to take us back to the stone age over. It could be said that plants and trees are indirectly CAUSING GLOBAL WARMING, but no one says that. Because that would be absurd, right? 

It is just as absurd to say that cops "protect and serve" or provide safety, especially in light of the FACT that they are not required to protect us. Or even serve us. They only enforce the law. And, if honesty matters to anyone, they do it SELECTIVELY. Mostly because they are given an impossible task of enforcing WAY TOO MANY laws with too few resources... but also because it is to THEIR BENEFIT to have poorly written laws that allow grey areas and wiggle room so they can enforce the shit out of certain laws on certain people, and not so much of other laws on other people. 

I am not saying I am against this. I am, but I have no solutions and it is the natural order of things when we play the game of trying to organize Nature as we see fit. It is untenable and a fallacy to think we can while remaining Free. Cops CANNOT provide us safety without putting us in a pen for our own good. 

It would be healthier for society if we recognized this fact instead of living in a fantasy world where we think we can pay people to keep us safe. We cannot. We must do that for ourselves if we wish to be Free.

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