Sunday, April 12, 2009

Friday's, inexperienced leaders, and the general balance of the Universe

Being educated and experienced in electronics, I have often used my understanding of Electricity and the forces of Nature in making analogies to everyday behavior/politics and general societal motion. See, Generating electricity is really just using physical force to knock electrons loose from the atoms they were bound to. Most people think it is these electrons we are putting to use, however this is not the case. It is the atom from which we have enticed the electron that is the key to electricity. This atom, and all others in the Universe, was forged in the million-degree fires of the hottest stars and supernovae explosions, with all its constituent parts in the quantity and order required to make it stable. Knock a piece off and it will take what it needs from the next atom, which leaves that atom in need and the process repeats until the Universe is able to re-balance itself. It is this desperate "need" that the atom experiences, a need which didn't exist before, that enables it, gives it the power, to steal what it needs from an adjacent atom that was previously in perfect balance. And it is these atoms in a state of "need" that we enslave and make to do all sorts of demeaning tasks before they are finally fulfilled and become at one with the Universe again, in their natural state.

This happens in nature a lot, all by itself. But the Universe always re-balances. Different densities of air rushing past each other (wind) knock electrons loose. Lightning is just the result of the Universe balancing itself out. We have discovered ways of enhancing this natural action and putting it to use. If you collect enough of these ionized atoms and store them where they are prevented from re-combining, you can later cause a controlled re-combination in your flashlight.

There is, as of yet, no negative consequences to our enslavement of these ionized atoms, because we always allow them to re-balance. It is un-natural that we force an imbalance, but it is natural for the Universe to bring about balance.

Which brings me to the point: People in need can also be enslaved and made to do all kinds of demeaning things. They can be made to do positive things, too, I suppose, but only if you believe the end justifies the means. I say that anything accomplished by means of enslavement and force can never be positive. When I look at the pyramids in Egypt, I see hundreds of thousands of people forced to work their entire lives for the self-aggrandizement of one man. It doesn't matter that they built something so awesome that it still inspires wonder some 4500 years later.
Sure, having more high school graduates (positive end) may be achieved by lowering the standards of commencement (means), but that only sends a person out into the world thinking he/she is smarter than they really are and essentially sets them up for heartbreaking failure!
Yes, more people can own homes (positive end) if you lower the requirements of obtaining a loan (a means risky to banking structure), but does that justify putting the entire WORLD at the brink of economic collapse? (For the record, the democrats said it was worth the risk and the Republicans said it was not. Look it up; Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, etc.)

True, living in a society that is free from racial discrimination (positive ends) might be realized if there were more black college grads and CEO's and even presidents (by means of affirmative action, admissions quotas, and mainstream media dereliction of duty during election '08) but again it's un-natural and risky to put the lives and fortunes of a whole nation in the palms of any but the best, brightest, most capable and tested hands.

It is natural for people to trade goods and to decide on rules in the marketplace. It is un-natural to use force to fudge those rules in order to influence trade based on some imaginary ideal.
It is natural for the best and brightest to succeed. It is un-natural to not have any "best" or "brightest" because someone might feel bad if they don't qualify. We are not all equal. Get over it.

It is natural to elect leaders based on personal experience and capability, and trustworthiness. It is un-natural to fake experience, capability and trustworthiness in order to elect a certain leader because if you do, you will feel "hopeful" and the world will be "changed." You have set him up for failure. There are consequences. You cannot vote for it to always be Friday.

There is a natural order to the Universe. We humans have always tried to understand it so that we may be at one with it. Many popular philosophies through the years have arisen, some fighting it, some flowing with it. Libertarianism seeks to accept it at face value. It seems to me that Liberalism (Socialism) refuses to accept it and will fight it to the death. Socialism is force; Libertarianism is freedom from force.

It all makes me wonder if the Liberals are telling us what their real goal is. Is it equality or do they really just want to tear the world apart because its' natural order is repugnant to them. Because that is exactly what they are doing; tearing the world apart. And when it re-balances itself, they will still have the audacity to reject the order. This means they have put themselves in a state of perpetual conflict with the Universe.

It's a good thing the Universe doesn't take it personal that we have been knocking its' atoms about, willy-nilly, for about 200 years now. Or does it?

1 comment:

Steve Casas said...

This one is hard to follow...Sorry. I HATE when I do that. the point is that if you go around with your universe unbalanced, raising unbalanced children, making unbalanced friends and voting for unbalanced politicians, what you get is fools like Obama bowing to the leader of a country that has produced more terrorists than all other countries combined!

Does that help?