Wednesday, May 20, 2009

He asked for it!

Ok... so an old friend just emailed me a question. I have never been one to tip-toe about and sugarcoat ANYTHING, so he got the hook, line, and sinker...

Here was his original question:

Tell me how this balances out in your view. Some days I can make 2000 a day- for example working a 12 hour day. Some times as much as 3000 or more if I really use every billable service possible in a day sometimes less like 1500. I don't work physically as hard as you do using your brain additionally to measure add ect, I use report writing, counseling, heavy court work ect, have a two year degree, almost a 4. Business is good due to a GOVERNMENT grant serving American Indians.

In a Socialists view, there would be a redistribution of wealth. Is not everyone deserving of their basic needs being met? Why shouldn't I pay more to help balance what others get less of working as hard as I do? Honestly I struggle with charging 150 and hour for a service and paying someone 15 - 30 an hour to provide it. I am about to hire, but haven't. I realize I have overhead, and there is a trickle down notion, but still! I am making more money than i ever thought imaginable when i started. What are your thoughts? With your wisdom and experience, I bet you could open your own business!

So here was my reply:

Well, I have no idea exactly what it is that you do... but I'm gonna assume... something to do with social welfare of Indians and Eskimo's... maybe health billing, civil law, counseling, etc...

And I'll bet that the $2000-$3000 per day that you make comes from money that these poor, needy, people get from the government. Couldn't you live well with $400 per day? Why don't you charge less? Those poor people could definitely use the money elsewhere! Why don't you give most of it to charity? Why do you want the government to take more of it from you when you could give it freely wherever YOU thought it would do the most good? And why is the government giving MY money to Indians? What did I ever do to them? My kids need shoes but the government just took $160 out of my $1500 two-week paycheck! And what do I get for it? Secure borders and membership in a PONZI scheme (Social Security)?

So...if this is my view, there is an imbalance going on here, and government is the problem. The money you are making is due to the government redistributing wealth to Indians and Eskimo's...remember, the government has no money of it's own except what it can take from taxpayers. So I say that what you are doing is a DRAIN on the system because you produce nothing except helping the government spend what they have taken from productive citizens like me, and getting paid more than me in the process.

Everyone is NOT deserving of having their basic needs met! Where does it say that? I can meet my own needs, thank you, as long as the government doesn't stand in the way. I also have the option of helping my fellow man if I feel like it.... charity is and has always been better at helping the unfortunate than government. And those Indians/Eskimo's would have been better off if we hadn't enabled their apathetic decline into moral and economic poverty by feeding them at the trough of welfare and getting them addicted to it for a hundred years.

You say, " Why shouldn't I pay more to help balance what others get less of working as hard as I do?" I say you shouldn't be getting *any* money to do what you do... you should be providing a real service to people; making shoes, baking bread, building homes, managing property, running a restaurant, etc. Government jobs (and all the secondary jobs that support them) created by government spending of productive taxpayer money is exactly what has to get cut. California just yesterday refused to let the governor try to squeeze any more money from taxpayers, now or in the future, and now all he is left with is a scalpel to start cutting his budget. And it is jobs like yours that will wither and die in this state. And economic health will be the result.

(edit: Unemployed state workers, and all of their fellow leeches will drag down the economy and prolong the recovery until they finally are forced to start producing like the rest of us. And of course they'll piss and moan the whole time about how capitalism failed and more government intervention is needed. Why does government only grow and never shrink? Even under Reagan it grew!)

If I am wrong about what you do...sorry. Consider it a rant at someone else who does do that. But if I am right... you are one of many ticks on a dog and at some point, with too many ticks, the dog will die. Then where will you be? I, and many other Americans like me, are like the insecticide. We only want the dog to be healthy and you gotta go.

You asked... at a real bad time, too. I'm in a foul mood....

Then... later I sent him this:

Also... I'm going to post this...including your question. I will edit out a few things so no-one will know it was you who asked, ok? Also, I will not tell anyone who may ask who it was... I realize that I came off angry and that I assumed a lot. But I just looked at your info page and I think I was close enough.

There is half a nation of people like me here and we thrive without government; you and the other half will starve without it. My only advice to you is to find a job that gives people service for value. Anything else is wasteful and cancerous and cannot survive the coming revolution.

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