Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wanna hear something even more right-wing?

I thinks we should restrict voting to people who own and live in their own home. If you can't earn and save enough money to buy a piece of America and have the sense and fortitude to keep it and make it thrive, you have NO BUSINESS helping decide the direction of the country as a whole. Also, anyone on any public assistance should not be able to vote due to conflict of interest. What the hell is going on, anyway? Why do we have drive-thru's where you can register to vote and get a cheeseburger? If someone is sooooo stupid/lazy/ignorant that they need to be helped to register and be driven to vote, why would their opinion on socio-political issues matter? Could it be that poor/uneducated/un-informed/un-motivated/un-capable people are just easier to mis-educate/mis-inform/mis-direct? Why do the democrats always want to make it easier for these people to register/vote?

Make no mistake; I don't hate un-educated, simple people. America was/is built by them. But while a ships cook surely serves an important, vital function, no-one solicits his opinion on navigational matters. But we've got whole organizations devoted to registering these people and celebrities imploring the chronically dumb-assed to get out and vote. Stay home! Play nintendo and order a pizza and thank god you were lucky enough to be born in a country that recognizes your inherent right to pursue your own happiness, however you choose to define it.

And why do people listen to celebrities, anyway?
You could crumble up everything ever written by Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Julia Roberts, and Sean Penn and fit that and two hacky-sacks into Danny Glover's jock-strap. Yet Andy Garcia's well written, informative, and passionate movie, "Lost City," gets buried by liberal hollywood because it shows the dark side of Cuba's Castro, from Garcia's personal experience, no less. All we get from them is drivel like "Motorcycle Diaries" and Che Guevara t-shirt cameo's in hundreds of other movies/tv shows.

Do these celebrities feel insecure because they play smart people on screen and they are not personally as smart? Do they think that because they play the President on tv that their opinion should be held in high esteem? Remember Trapper John, M.D? He got letters for YEARS from fans asking about rashes and medicinal side-effects. And all he did was play a doctor on a tv show! Do we want these people voting on bond issues, representatives, and presidents?

By the way, Che Guevara was a cowardly murderer who once shot a young boy in the head for stealing food. NOTHING HE EVER DID should be inspiring to any rational person, including his younger, idealistic days which should be a lesson and warning to idealistic youths everywhere. The lesson is: leftist ideology leads to forcing your will on other human beings.

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