Thursday, October 30, 2008

Libertarian Socialists? HUH?

So, my wife steers me to this jackass on myspace who says he is a "Libertarian Socialist" and has this big manifesto outlining his philosophy. This guy is the best example of pro-creation gone awry and his parents should be flogged for unleashing this nincompoop upon the rest of the world, but Jennifer is feeling like maybe I should try to help him understand the folly of his pseudo-philosophising. So, as an exercise in futility, I responded thusly:

Wow...The lack of understanding of human nature and basic economic principles is astounding! This mindless drivel would be laughable if I thought it was just you that thought this way. Knowing, as I do, that there are millions of people that hold such jack-asstic opinions makes me skeptical about the future of the human race.
You understand nothing about Libertarianism. What you describe is called SOCIALISM. Do you think adding the word Libertarian as an adjective will make it more palatable? Like sprinkling sugar on a dog turd? What have you been reading? Who have you been listening to? Don't be such a tool. I know you're young, but don't let people steer you around like a pawn.
Tell you what...I'm gonna do you a favor...Read *everything* on this page, now. Tonight. It's an archive of the weekly columns of Walter Williams; a black man and professor of economics and a true Libertarian. At the very least, you'll understand more about capitalism and economics and the function of morality in a free society.

Socialism, in any of its many forms, is force. The group forces the individual to act in the best interests of the group. The Individual exists only for the benefit of the group, and his every resource, even his very body and mind, are the property of the group, to be used, abused, even disposed of in any manner the group sees fit.

Libertarianism recognizes that the group exists only for the benefit of the individual. There *is* no group benefit if even one individual suffers. And if the group fails the individual, the group ceases to exist. The hope here, for humanity, is not for a utopian shangri-la, with everyone fat and happy, sitting around a campfire humming "Imagine" by John Lennon. It is for *every* human being to be free to pursue his own happiness, by his own definition of the idea, at his own pace. It is then that we will begin to realize that we are most happy when we act charitably towards our neighbors and work hard to build a safer tomorrow for our children. That is a happiness worth pursuing.

You should put down the Nietche, Marx, Chomsky and Nader and read some Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, and Mortimer Adler. Especially Mortimer Adler; He will teach you *how* to think. Then maybe you can begin to know *what* to think.

Tragically, he has it set so he must approve/deny all responses to his blog, and I'm betting he won't approve mine. What a waste...

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