Friday, June 12, 2020

What's all this about DEFUNDING cops?

It is not Police that keep us safe. It is our birthright, Western Civilization, that keeps us safe. Among the tenets of Western Civilization is the Rule of Law. And Police enforce the law. If you skip all that and just want to think that Police provide safety, you are ignoring ancient wisdom that says what is provided can be taken away. Police cannot provide us with safety, and their Unions will agree that they are not REQUIRED to do so. All they can do is ENFORCE THE LAW, which we all should desire desperately, because without Law, there is NO CIVILIZATION. And that is EXACTLY what the Marxists want. They must MURDER Western Civilization in order to build their own vision. We have already seen that vision played out, and there is over 100 MILLION dead people enslaved, starved, and murdered by their own government in the last century that bear witness to that vision. It has FAILED, and it always will, because it refuses to understand Human Nature.

Here are some of the tenets of Western Civilization (American style):
Individual Rights
Equal Protection under the Law
Free exercise of Religion
Anti establishment of Religion
Free Press
Freedom of Speech
Property Rights
Teach your children well
Hard work pays dividends
You reap what you sow
Don't bear false witness
Family values
Care for the elderly, poor, and the sick

See where I'm going with this? This is thousands of years of trial and error, writ large. There is obviously much more, and many societies on this planet share most of these. But not all. If you think that everyone believes this stuff, you have a rude awakening coming. And in Socialist countries, ALL OF THAT is in question. For instance, in China it's "You reap what you are told to reap." The point here is that Culture, and the Society that results, is something that is grown, organically, over time, and fed by our need to get along to survive, and thrive, in peace, and health. In Socialism, that Culture is something handed down by Bureaus, and Committees, and Dictators. They will treat it like a pot-luck dinner, picking and choosing what to put on the plate according to what they think is smart at the time. But I digress.

Thinking that cops provide safety is what leads cops to think that we civilians should not question the manner in which they provide it. It allows them to think they are GIVING us something and that we are ungrateful. Quite the contrary, they have a job to do, with a clearly defined scope, and we ABSOLUTELY should question their ability and tactics during their performance of their duty.

A HUGE problem when we start to believe that they provide safety is that we start to pass laws, for THEM to enforce, that are intended to keep us safer. That was NEVER the intention when this government was created. We are supposed to provide for our OWN SAFETY. Sheep are safe, in their pen, until the butcher shows up. The Ukranians thought they were safe in 1932 until Stalin decided people in Moscow needed Ukranian grain more than the Ukranians did. Four million of them STARVED to death.

We, in our animating contest of Freedom, keep ourselves safe. The healthiest way to think about it is that cops INDIRECTLY keep Society safe, but Society is a construct of the mind. It doesn't exist, and can have no Rights of its' own. This is why 'Social Justice' is a farce. Society is an adjective used when a group of people act in concert for their own well-being and survival. The opposite is Anarchy.

It is the job of the legislators, commissioners, and councilmen to make the laws, and when they make too many, giving cops too much to do, and make BAD laws, cops are put in an unworkable situation, and trouble inevitably ensues. Two good examples: Helmet and seatbelt laws. How is it wise to give a free individual a ticket and penalty, risking arrest, for not doing what someone else thinks is smart? It only makes sense if you really don't believe that we are Free individuals. And again, it allows the cops to think they are the Shepherd and we are the sheep.

EVERY LAW THAT IS MADE carries with it the threat of lethal FORCE. Even seatbelt laws (yeah, put on your seatbelt or we will give you a ticket and if that makes you mad we will arrest you and if you resist we can shoot you. It happens). Don't sell cigarettes individually, either! Every law opens a door into your life that the government will barge through like a bull in a China shop. This is why Libertarians, and Republicans to a lesser degree, say they are for a smaller government, with fewer laws. Our Police will have less to do, be better able to do it, and accountability will be easier. And it is why we MUST reject Marxism, with prejudice, EVERY WHERE IT REARS ITS' UGLY HEAD. And the current Democrat party is absolutely INFESTED with it. 2020 may be the last chance to reject it with a pencil at the ballot box. If that fails, we will soon have to reject it with the ammo box. The American way of life will depend on it.

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