Sunday, August 17, 2014

Societal Consequences of Being 'Full of Shit"

A few days ago, an unarmed black kid was shot dead by a Missouri cop. The cops said he pushed the cop back into his cruiser and scuffled. The kids parents said he was a 'gentle giant' that just graduated from school and was going to college soon and would NEVER do what the cops said he did. They said he was just walking down the street and the cops shot him because he was black. And so, after Al Sharpton got involved and pictures of the grieving parents and angry community members were played INCESSANTLY by the media, we now have demonstrations, rioting, looting, tear gas, beat up reporters, and smoke and chaos over Ferguson, MO.

I posit to you that this can be blamed on Nixon and Clinton. Hear me out.

In 1972, during a heated presidential election, some dirty tricks were played out against the Democrat National Committee by men close to President Nixon. Nixon denied any knowledge or involvement, but later it was proved that he did know and was involved and he was then impeached and he resigned. It turns out that he was full of shit when he said, "I am not a crook!"

On January 26, 1998, President Bill Clinton spoke at a press conference and in response to questions about an alleged affair, he said, emphatically, while wagging his finger at us, with Hillary by his side:

"But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time; never. These allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the American people. Thank you."

Well, it turns out that he was full of shit. So full of it that it was coming out his ears. Hillary had to hike up her skirt so she didn't step in it on her way off the stage.

Everyone lies. Some more than others. Some lie so much that they begin believing it themselves. Some peoples' WHOLE LIVES are just built on one lie after another. And being full of shit is hard work! The effort some of these people put into it is AMAZING. And there are whole strategies built around how to get what you want by being full of shit. And then, what do you do when you run across someone who is more full of shit than you? Entire books have been written on the subject. Rules For Radicals comes to mind. For instance, it seems that, when there is a question about the situation or sequence of some questionable act, the person who gets his/her story out FIRST, regardless of veracity, immediately receives credibility, and everything that is said subsequent is suspect. So, a devious bull-shitter would try to promote his/her crapulous version of events early and loud, in order to benefit from this phenomena. Crazy, eh?

I believe there are many more of us that abhor it. And we hate ourselves when we do it, and are ashamed. But we still do it. One of the defining hallmarks of Western civilization has been the effort to discourage lying and therefore the damage it causes. Judeo-Christian ethics, for instance, has at its' very core a prohibition against bearing false witness. The oath, sworn before a court of law, promising to tell the truth is the very linchpin of Justice, without which it all becomes a farce. Being untruthful and dishonest is a grave sign of disrespect, and what human relationship can survive in such a state? Society itself, being nothing more than a group of individuals adhering to the same set of standards of commerce and comradeship, quickly unravels when one cannot trust another to be, at the very least, TRUTHFUL and honest.

Half of the job of administering Justice is really just finding out who is full of shit. And when you add up all the costs... judges, court employees, cops, lawyers, prosecutors, health plans and pensions for all those, courthouses and maintenance, etc... of finding out who is full of shit, it is STAGGERING. But if we didn't, there would be no society, no fellowship, no civilization.

And what about when the very people we hire to administer Justice are the ones full of shit? This happens everywhere, every day. Police corruption is uncovered every day, more so now that everyone has a camera in their pockets, at all times. Judicial corruption is rampant too. But perhaps no form of official bullshittery is more pervasive and damaging than the current situation with lawyers and prosecutors. They have taken lying to an artform! They are not so much interested in the truth as much as what they can make people believe. Nothing is sacred to them. Even the very words we use to communicate are ripe for abuse. President Bill Clinton, a lawyer, tried to weasel out of a perjury (lying) charge by arguing that the word "is" was up for interpretation... as if we all don't know how to use the verb 'to be' or what it meant!

And so, here we have a situation in Ferguson, Missouri. The kids family and friends say he was innocent and gentle. They are probably full of shit. The cops say he assaulted the officer and it was justified. They are probably full of shit. How do we know this? Because of Trayvon Martin. Because Cops lie. Because people lie. Everyone's full of SHIT! And maybe trying to patch up our society with the duct-tape-and-bailing-wire of law-and-order and civil-rights-lip-service is just a waste of time. Maybe we just can't live together in large numbers. Maybe thinking we could melt cultures in a pot and pour out something better, stronger, and more resilient was a pipe dream. Maybe you and yours should live over there, while me and mine live over here. Maybe there SHOULD be a common creed, whether it be religion, science, witchcraft, or love of comic books that binds a society together and anyone who doesn't like it can go find someone who does? Maybe that very common creed is what makes us stronger and more resilient, and maybe that was the point of multi-culturism all along? To WEAKEN US by diluting 3000 years of Western Civilization with the madness of primitive cultures, or even cultures where corruption and outright LYING are accepted and even celebrated, because a society that is weak and fearful is a society that is ripe for enslavement.

  • Muslims... their own book demands they destroy us.
  • Talmudic Jews, who are under NO OBLIGATION to be truthful and honest with Goyim.
  • Savages (from Africa, Australia, China, even North America!) Sorry, but you have some evolving to do.
  • Latino's who want to bring their culture of corruption with them
  • Socialists/communists/fascists, who want to re-arrange what was agreed-upon at the founding of this Nation
  • Anyone who wants to hyphenate their ethnicity
  • Anyone who reads the Declaration of Independence, The US Constitution, and the Federalist Papers and has ANY PROBLEM WITH IT WHATSOEVER. Bye.

  • Christians
  • Atheists, as long as they are also Libertarians
  • Jews, as long as they reject the Talmud and its' hatred of all non-Jews
  • Hippies
  • Amish
  • Comic book lovers
  • Anyone who genuinely WANTS to assimilate and work hard even if it means ABANDONING whatever it is about their previous culture that made them incompatible.
  •  Anyone who will respect the inalienable rights of others, pull his own weight, and live peaceably

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