Saturday, February 26, 2011

Questions every American should be asking themselves:

Questions every American should be asking themselves:

What would you do if, say, over a period of years, your personal tax rate went up to 50% or higher? And you really get nothing much more in return? And your yearly tax refund disappeared? And jobs were still scarce, and food prices were on the rise? At what point would you scream "ENOUGH!" and grab a torch and a rake and march on the capital?

At some point in the future, taxes *MUST* be raised. Debts must be repaid. If not, something will be taken from you. You might even have to fight for your life.

Now, what if you could put this reckoning off until after you're gone from this world? Just let your kids deal with it? Would you just keep on borrowing and spending?

There can be only two outcomes of this: War or slavery. Which one of those would you choose for your children? They will either refuse to pay increased taxes and go to war with their government, or they will give up their freedom in exchange. Also, if they lose the war, they will be slaves anyway. They will have one chance in three of being free like our forefathers, and God, intended... except for the ones who died in the war, of course. It comes to this: Slavery, war and slavery, or war and victory, but at great cost.

Is this what we want for our children? And it has certainly come to this. There is no doubt about it. We are probably at the point already, where our future holds only war or slavery. All we are doing is putting it off. Maybe a year, maybe 10 years. Hell, if we are smart, maybe we can put it off until after we die, living fat and happy while borrowing our children into being the ones that have to make the choice! That was sarcasm. But that is exactly what we are doing.

Here's what's happening now: The government, since 1913, has been borrowing money. Sometimes, they just print it. But they have learned that just printing money has long-term negative consequences that we, here and now, must bear. So, the preferred method has been selling bonds and such, and straight up borrowing from other nations. The way they play the game, they can continue to do this as long as the people will pay the interest, or they can hide it. Everything that has happened since then has been attempts to put off the consequences and keep the ball rolling, like taking the dollar off the gold standard, wage/price controls, raising the debt ceiling, outlawing private possession of gold, capital gains taxes, estate taxes, tacitly encouraging illegal immigration, not to mention the countless accounting tricks employed to make things look better than they are. At some point, the interest payment per year will exceed the total taxes the people are willing to pay. Make no mistake, THERE WILL BE A RECKONING! And then what?

The people that are doing this, our Congressmen and Senators, fall into two camps: The weak, and the insidious. The weak just want everything to be groovy, and can be talked into falling for even more schemes to put off the reckoning. The insidious KNOW what is coming. They welcome it. They have been planning it. They think the people are sheep and it is their destiny to rule us. They might be right.

I propose we, you and I, have this out. Here and now. It is our only chance to give our children something better than what was given to us. And, when we demand this of our government, it must accompany a threat of war. We'd better mean it, or we will be slaves sooner than we thought.

Our only hope of salvation for our nation, and the world, is to rein in government spending. Reduce the size and scope of it. Stop expecting it to help you at every turn. Stop treating it like the candyman. The only money it has to spend is money it has taken from you, or that it WILL take from you.

Plans of action:

  • Read your History books. And read Economics. And especially Economic History. Only by knowing how this happened will you be able to undo it and prevent it from happening to your kids. "The Creature From Jekyll Island" is a good start.
  • Educate yourselves. We can no longer trust that our hallowed institutions of higher learning are teaching anything worthwhile. In fact, most often, students come out of universities befuddled and confused and blaming everything on capitalism and with a VERY DIFFERENT definition of freedom. Their Diplomas aren't worth the paper they're written on and the odds are we taxpayers paid for the whole fiasco, too.
  • Vote EVERYONE out of office! Every chance you get. The culture of corruption is pervasive and entrenched. There are only two on my list of for-sure good-guys in congress, Ron Paul and his son Rand. There may be others, but take no chances... send them all home.
  • Only vote for strong candidates, tea-party types. Ones that can make the tough choices.Make sure they answer plenty of questions about economics and history and don't worry too much about if they cheated on their spouse or hired illegal immigrants. And then vote them back home after one term. No more career politicians!
  • Kill the Federal Reserve and the 16th amendment. It is the mechanism by which they will own us.
  • Kill Social Security. It is a Ponzi scheme whereby one generation obliges subsequent ones to take care of them, while also getting everyone used to suckling at the teat of the government.
  • End collective bargaining. Unions enable some to escape the consequences everyone else must bear. They are corrupt, Socialist in nature, and a tool by which people are conditioned to obey.
  • Learn a trade. Most government workers will necessarily be out of a job, and if all you know how to do is fill out forms you will be at a serious disadvantage and someone else will have to take care of you.
  • Get involved locally. School boards, planning commissions, city councils, etc.
  • And everywhere demand accountability, fiscal and fiducial responsibility, and ACTION!
  • Learn how to grow your own food. The coming hard times will disrupt normal modes of transportation. There will be no grocery stores.
  • You will need a source of water. So will millions of others if you live in a city. Think about that now... not later.
  • Get to know your neighbors. There is strength in numbers. And we will need strength. The cities, which, not co-incidentally, have been guilty of voting in higher numbers for more largess from the government (blue spots on the map), will be VERY BAD places to be if there is a disruption in transportation. Food will become scarce and you and your family will start to look real tasty in only a few weeks time. Really. Think about that: We city-dwelling Americans will resort to cannibalism in a mere one-months time if the trucks stop coming. But people in Eastern Oregon, among other places, will hardly notice. Think long and hard about it.
  • If it becomes time to water the Tree of Liberty, make sure it is your blood and mine intermingled with theirs. I will not go quietly in the night, and neither should you.

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