Friday, September 18, 2009

Flashback to 1996!

Here's my response to a bill sponsored by house democrats to put an end to the so-called Threat of Anti-Government Extremists in 1996. The Blue text is the original text of the bill. Red text is my version. I started with my tongue in my cheek, but after I got going I almost bit it off.

To put it in context, Clinton was just re-elected and the Senate was just taken back by the Democrats. The Feds had already barbecued the men, women, and children at Waco, murdered Randy Weavers' wife and kids, and Militia groups were on the rise as a REACTION to the ever-expanding and far-reaching influence of the Government. And so the Democrats in the House tried to pass this resolution condemning the rise of Militias and vowing even greater resources toward killing the movement.

I had just bought my first gun (Glock 9mm, first of many) and had discovered internet newsgroups (alt.conspiracy) and was in my most fiery, idealistic phase of my life (so far). So this is me taking on the U.S House Of Representatives in a one-sided, point-for-point debate that I totally won (in my own head). Heheheh

(Side note: I actually found this after googling myself and discovered this guy, Nizkor, who is compiling a list of people he thinks are anti-Semites. I had made a few posts questioning the prudence of Clinton giving Steven Speilberg a few million taxpayer dollars for him to build the National Holocaust Museum. I was promptly called a racist anti-Semite by about a hundred people and ended up on Nizkors list. So thanks, Nizkor! Without you I would have forgotten that I wrote this!)

(just skip to where it says "Whereas...")

FILE hc206.ih HCON 206 IH 104th CONGRESS 2d Session H. CON. RES. 206
Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to the threat to the
security of American citizens and the United States Government posed by
armed militia and other paramilitary groups and organizations.


 Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas (for herself, Mr. CONYERS, Ms. NORTON, Mr.
 FRAZER, Mr. FLAKE, Mrs. LOWEY, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. HASTINGS of Florida, Ms.
 LEWIS of Georgia, Mr. PAYNE of New Jersey, Mrs. CLAYTON, Mr. OWENS, Mr.
 FIELDS of Louisiana, Mr. CUMMINGS, Miss COLLINS of Michigan, Mr. SCHUMER,
 Mr. SCOTT, Mr.PASTOR, Mrs. MEEK of Florida, Ms. BROWN of Florida, Ms.
 JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. JACKSON of Illinois, Mrs. COLLINS of Illinois, Mr.
 Rhode Island, Mr. CLAY, and Ms. LOFGREN) submitted the following
 concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the
 Judiciary CONCURRENT RESOLUTION expressing the sense of Congress with
 respect to the threat to the security of American citizens and the United
 States Government posed by armed militia and other paramilitary groups
 and organizations.


 Whereas the Government of the United States and its agencies are
 democratic institutions, created by and for the people of the United
 Whereas the various agencies of the United States Government derive their
 purpose and their character from the expressed will of the American
 people, and may be altered from time to time by peaceful means;

Whereas the Government of the United States and its agencies have
constantly and consistently subverted the will of the people they purport to
represent and, in a fashion to be expected of lawyers, turned a *simple* and
*clear* statement of purpose (the Constitution ) into a grey and meaningless

 Whereas 168 American men, women and children were killed in the terrorist
 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in April 1995;

Whereas, the ends justifying the means, you blew up your own building, in the
spirit of Freidrich Hegel, in order to blame it on the Militias and pass
further Gun Control legislation. ( Ok, maybe not. But many reputable people
smell a fish on this one)

 Whereas Federal law enforcement officials were threatened and held at bay
 for 81 days in a Montana town by a group of so-called `Freemen' while
 trying to exercise their duty to uphold the law, at a cost of millions of
 dollars to American taxpayers;

Whereas the Freemen, indulging in the same questionable financial practices
the Federal Reserve is guilty of and threatening the monopoly the Fed has on
corruption and deceit, broke some laws that protect only the International
Bankers' monopoly on usury, you saw it necessary to spend additional millions
of Taxpayer money to arrest them instead of using the funds for the
*worthless* National Endowment for the Arts or giving it to Steven
Speilberg for his Holocaust project.

 Whereas various spokespersons for self-described militia and paramilitary
 organizations and groups have repeatedly denounced the legitimacy of the
 United States Government;

Whereas the legitimacy of the current United States Government is called into question
by it's own Constitution and Bill of Rights.

 Whereas several members of an Arizona militia group were recently
 arrested in possession of heavy armaments, deadly bombs and explosive
 devices, and charged with conspiring to use explosives to destroy
 buildings housing Federal agencies;

Whereas the several agencies of the Government are in possession of heavy
armaments, deadly bombs and explosive devices, and are charged with conspiring
to use any and all means to put the clampdown on citizens holding the opinion that
the Government has over-stepped its bounds outlined in the constitution.

 Whereas experts have estimated that extremist anti-Government militia
 groups and organizations in the United States may number as many as 800,
 existing in more than 40 States;

Whereas experts have estimated that the government employs MILLIONS
of cops etc. in 50 States and territories who cannot be trusted
to obey the Oath they've taken to protect and serve the American People and
seem to be confused as to *who* the enemy is and instead of looking to the
many and varied accounts of the will of our founding fathers, will instead believe
the opinion their *direct* employers who are interested in their own job rather
than the future of the Children of America.

 Whereas the democratic institutions of the United States and the American
 people are protected from both foreign and domestic enemies by a well
 trained military and multiple layers of legitimate State and local police
 organizations; and

Whereas the foreign enemies are well handled by *OUR* Brothers and Sisters in
the best equipped Military in the world, and our Domestic enemies *ARE* the
State and local police organizations that would deliver the people into the
hands of slavery for a few pieces of silver.

 Whereas the actions of some militia and paramilitary groups and
 organizations specifically promoting violence constitute a grave danger
 to American citizens and the institutions of American democracy, and
 threaten the very foundation of freedom and democracy in America: Now,
 therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives (the
 Senate concurring), that it is the sense of Congress that--

 (1) armed conspiracies against the Government of the United States or any
 of its agencies and personnel should be aggressively identified,
 dissolved, and their perpetrators brought to justice by the federal
 authorities of law enforcement with the greatest dispatch possible;

 (2) the illegal possession of firearms, explosives, or any substances or
 devices of destruction by any individual or group should be prosecuted to
 the full extent of all applicable laws by the Department of Justice; and

  (3) those legally possessing firearms, explosives, or any substance or
 device of destruction, and involved in any conspiracy to harm or destroy
 any agency or property of the United States Government, or any official
 of the United States Government, or any person, should be promptly
 prosecuted to the full extent of all applicable laws by the Department of
 Justice, including those designed to protect the United States Government
 against treason and subversion.

Whereas the actions of Government Agencies and Representatives of
the People practicing revision and subversion of the very *idea* of Freedom
and Liberty and Justice constitute a grave danger
to American citizens and the institutions of American democracy, and
threaten the very foundation of freedom and democracy in America, and the
American people, having a history of stubborn resistance to tyranny to the
point of violence : Now, therefore, in the interest of preventing further
violence, be it Resolved by the People of the United States of
America, (our Represtntatives *better* concur!) That it is the
sense of the People that--

(1) The Constitution of the United States of America and its accompanying
Bill of Rights be hereby RE-INSTITUTED in accordance with the 

well-documented will of it's founders, the constitutionality of the later 
amendments to be debated and re-written if necessary.

(2) The Budget will be balanced NOW, and, in the fashion of a Father who, upon
finding his kids fighting over a toy, takes it away from both, all
entitlements, welfare and other freebies will be dis-continued. Government
spending will be indexed to the GDP, and Income ( taxes) will be determined
accordingly. The poor and needy will be left in the hands of the agency best
suited for their care; the PEOPLE.

(3) The rise of our Brothers and Sisters in the Militia Movement is to be seen
as a wake-up call to the people who unknowingly took part in the perversion,
subversion, diversion, inversion, conversion and aversion of the REAL version
of America. The people who *knowingly* took part better run!

Wouldn't that be nice! I know, it's a dream. It'll probably have to come to
war, and the people are drastically lacking in firepower although superior in
numbers. As long as our purpose in demanding these reforms is clearly stated,
I firmly believe we have friends and allies in the Military and Police and the
Government for that matter that, when the time comes, will know which side of
the line to jump on. I bet this post will piss off many people and get me on
some black list of " dangerous gun freaks". If I come up dead sometime soon
with an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound in my head ( with the gun still
in my hand, no blood anywhere, in the park with no grass on my shoes ;-) )
then chalk me up as another casualty in the war for the soul of America.
Steve Casas

Hahah! That last sentence was in reference to Vincent Foster, a Clinton advisor
and partner-in-crime in the Whitewater fiasco who was found dead in a park
one hundred yards across the grass from the sidewalk with NO GRASS ON HIS SHOES.
Try to walk 10 feet on grass and see what happens. And shoot yourself in the head
sometime (actually, don't) and see what happens to the goes flying at
least a few feet. But Clinton's Park Police called it a suicide and the Whitewater
investigation fizzled. Look it up!

Steve Casas

1 comment:

Steve Casas said...

well, blogspot has screwed up the formattining of this post and cut off the last few words of each line... I will hafta find a way to fix this...