Saturday, January 6, 2024

Happy 2024! And WTF??!?!!?

Man... WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON here? Nobody really knows, and that is by design. But in my opinion, the very root of the problem, and the reason nothing ever seems to get DONE about ANYTHING is this: The entire Law Enforcement apparatus in this country is CORRUPT. Hear me out...

Lets say a local thug gets busted driving across state lines with drugs. The FBI gets involved, paperwork gets filed, he does a month in the county jail and is back on the streets. What happened? The local FBI dude now has a foot-soldier to do his bidding next time some nefarious deeds need to get done. The local cops are left empty-handed. The People, who created the cops, FBI, and the whole damn government for the very purpose of enforcing the Law, which indirectly keeps us safe, is now LESS SAFE because of it.

Now, lets say a local politician gets busted in a prostitution sting, and is sitting in some room with local cops wondering what to do. Some black suited G-man walks in, takes over the investigation, and next thing you know, he is back on TV dedicating a new homeless shelter. What happened? The Government now has a foot-soldier who can keep his job, his family, and his reputation as long as he votes how he is told from now on. He will say all the right things to keep his constituents placated, but will DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to stop their steady slide into slavery. The local cops are left empty-handed. The People, who created the cops, FBI, and the whole damn government for the very purpose of enforcing the Law, is not represented and is now LESS SAFE because of it.

Now, lets say, some asshole billionaire gets busted, finally, for trafficking underage girls for the purpose of having sex with him and his rich buddies. He has records of all of these scumbags doing horrible things with some VERY affluent and POWERFUL people, pictures, and videos. All of that is SIEZED by the FBI, y'know, for the victims privacy, and promptly DISAPPEARS, and the scumbag commits "suicide." All the government can say is, "Oh, bummer! Well, at least that is over!" But what about all the other scumbags? The FBI now has all these people under their thumb, to do it's bidding whenever it needs bidding done. They are all left anonymous, to continue being scumbags, under the radar, The local cops are left empty-handed, and the People, who created the cops, FBI, and the whole damn government for the very purpose of enforcing the Law, is not represented and is now LESS SAFE because of it.

This is the essence of corruption. We created the government for very specific purposes. But now, the FBI, CIA, State cops, and local cops are now all competing to compile their own "black books" full of assholes that they SHOULD have busted and removed from being able to further damage our society, but the let them go, and actually PROTECT them against scrutiny, for the sole purpose of CONTROLLING them. 

How can anything get done once this corruption takes hold? And it surely has! It began the VERY MINUTE the FBI was created! Local cops have always done it, albeit on a very small scale. And the FBI didn't invent it. It is ancient, I'm sure. But in EVERY CASE it is dangerous, and detrimental to the health of society.

Now, imagine the DEA, FBI, BATFE, CIA, USPS, USDA, and USFS all trying to take charge of the same investigation, maybe because a foreign diplomat was smuggling drugs inside of Cocobolo cigar boxes and storing them in a bunker on public land. They all want the bust so they can control him, and now we have alphabet agencies spending all their resources trying to protect themselves against other agencies instead of enforcing the Laws which keep us safe. It is a runaway, positive-feedback loop that only ends when it spins itself to pieces in a spectacular explosion, also called MARTIAL LAW and CIVIL WAR. 

I don't know if it can be prevented. I'm pretty sure it CAN'T! The corruption is not even being hidden anymore. Look at the Biden Crime Syndicate. Look at Bill Gates. The Clintons. The richest man in the world is even talking about it openly. Surely much of Pizzagate is bullshit, but how much of it is not? They don't even have to hide anymore! And the devil HATES having to hide. He wants to tell you exactly what he wants to do, while he does it. It makes his crimes all the more delectable to him. 

We COULD vote our way out of this... but will we? I don't think so. Even here in Idaho we still elect soft Republicans who are controlled by corporate donors and DO NOTHING for us. We are so enamored with being "Permissive" and "Inclusive" that we have permitted insanity and included delusion. How can we expect anything other than what is happening in the big cities to be the new normal? 

I really believe that the answer lies in the "public purse." Or rather, that there EXISTS a public purse, from which largesse may be drawn and spent on the whims of politicians, who no longer even need to ask us to keep it filled. But sending representatives to do something about it hasn't helped. Ron Paul tried for DECADES, but he fought alone, and was ignored. And anyone else was either caught with a prostitute, or died in a plane crash/brake failure/"suicide."

I don't know what to do except PREPARE. And get out of the cities. I would say it would be better to die early in the fight. Thems that dies are the lucky ones, right? But I have children, and grandchildren. And so, I prepare and hope that the fight comes in my time so that they may find peace, and re-build, in theirs.