Monday, August 14, 2023

Something ELSE to Ponder

 So, Facebook is deleting comments they don't agree with. I commented on my last post and it disappeared. It was a comment on this post on Survivalblog. So I wrote it again, and elaborated a bit, and posted it to my Blog for protection. Let's see what happens...

Something to ponder: The Communists think you are SHEEP, and there is too many of you. Everything you see in the news is an attempt to corral you up so you can be controlled. Once you are in the pen, the lies they told to get you in there don't matter anymore. The only difference between Socialism, Fascism, Progressivism, Fabian Socialism, Liberalism, etc. is HOW TO GET YOU IN THE PEN. After that there is only Communism. And any 'rights' you have are decided by the shepherd. 

In Individualist Capitalism your Rights are Inalienable and the goal is to make sure no one is ever able to put anyone in a pen. "Society" is a mental construct and only exists for the benefit of the Individual. The very INSTANT even one individual is harmed, society ceases to exist and all that is left is either Anarchy or Despotism. That is supposed to be the function of the Civil Court System: To repair Society.

Half of this country is just fine with being in a pen, as long as they can force you into it too, usually by appealing to some lie they believed.  Climate change, Pandemics, Inequality, Immigration, Animal Rights, BLM/Antifa, Globalism, endless wars, IMF, aliens, etc are all part of the lies they tell to get us in the pen, and everything is on the table if they can exploit it in their favor. Remember who said "Never let a crisis go to waste?" 

Our forefathers set up this Constitution so that it would STAND in the face of entropy because Truth is ETERNAL. Communists HATE anything that STANDS and doesn't bend to the will of the majority, including Truth. And that is why they must tear this Nation down.

I believe we are at the point where their lies are falling apart and they are about to be exposed before the gates can be closed on us. This is why there seems to be a 'quickening,' a desperate push and abandonment of pretense. THIS is the point where we will win, or lose, this fight. Any soft Republicans must be sent packing. Anyone who doesn't have their right hand cocked and their head on a swivel is headed into the pen. And watch out, because many of us might just be fine with allowing them to close the gates on all of you who wandered aimlessly into the pen. But don't worry, we'll get you out. It might take a few generations, though.

Friday, May 26, 2023

 We've been saying "Get woke, go broke" for YEARS. Why are we proven right every time? Because we recognize Wokism, BLM, environmentalism, LGBTQ-ism, and liberalism in general as just logical conclusions of MARXISM. And Marxism NEVER sleeps. That's why, if you go woke, like Target, it won't help you. You will piss off your PAYING customer base to appease a very small number of people that will NEVER think you are woke enough until you just walk away from your corporate offices and hand them the keys. And if you realize what is happening before that point and try to undo the damage, the Marxists will be enraged and we will still shun you. How about this: Sell us the shit we need and SHUT THE FUCK UP. You corporations, bureaucrats, and governmental leaders are not like the conductor in front of the cultural orchestra. Culture develops NATURALLY as people learn how to best live together in peace. And if our cultural habits and ideas are HEALTHY, we will thrive. It is obvious that WESTERN CULTURE, a result of 10,000 years of European cultural experimentation, has culminated in the most healthy, stable, and THRIVING civilization on the planet, ever. It is not perfect, but it is NATURAL, and is built upon a deeper understanding of Human Nature. And for someone to think that they can get up on a pedestal above us and orchestrate us according to some idea they just had last week is offensive and FUTILE! This is what Marxism is trying to do: systematically dismantle and flush our culture down the drain because a few people get left by the wayside. It will fail because WE CANNOT SWALLOW IT. We are not ants. It is SLAVERY and it is repugnant to rational beings. Every day of the week. Always.