Monday, January 11, 2021

What to do in 2021?


This morning I dropped my wonderful daughter off at the airport where she will fly to Kentucky to begin work maintaining radio systems at the famous 101st Airborne Division. I have been talking her ear off for the last 11 days about things like the Oath she took, what it means, being a soldier, performing her duty to her unit, her country, and to all of humanity, honor, sacrifice, the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, The Federalist Papers… all the documents that outline the deal we made when we created this government. But all the way to the airport all I could do was hold her hand in silence. And now I am just sad, and empty as she is beginning the next chapter in her life.

It was once said “I was a Soldier, so that my son could be a Farmer, so that his son could be an Artist.” This thought has always inspired much deep contemplation in me. And I have always wanted to append a sentence: “So that the Artists could fuck it all up and everyone would have to become soldiers again.” The truth is, the Artists live in a fantasy world… that’s what makes them such good Artists. It’s also what makes them TERRIBLE philosophers and leaders.

Anyway, my daughters are both WONDERFUL artists. Multi-talented artists. They have brought tears of JOY with their voices and guitars. They were ready to spread their wings and give all of humanity the precious gift of their existence, and experience the precious gift of the existence of others. And then we all dropped the ball. My wonderful daughter might have to trade the innocent smile of a mischievous, happy, girl for the raging war-face of a soldier. And that is a crime for which I accuse all of humanity.

America, as it was founded, is an Idea come to fruition. The idea was that all men are created equal, and possessed of inalienable Rights, and must be treated equally under the Law, among other things. You have to read history to understand what a revolution in thought this was. We all are guilty of taking it for granted. But I am here to tell you that ONLY the Republicans and Conservative Libertarians adhere to that original idea. No longer can we say that we all want the same thing. Today’s Democrats are SOCIALISTS, and as such, they DO NOT BELIEVE in the tenets of the founding documents. They are trying to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE the meaning of the words, and therefore the deal itself. They think they have a better idea. Somehow better than “All men are created equal.” Better than a "Right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." This makes them INSURRECTIONISTS, Revolutionaries. And they use devious tactics to sow discontent and hatred. They say that WE are full of hatred, that we want only MEN to be equal, that we are guilty of slavery, assault, discrimination, and even that WE are the ones plotting revolution and war.

Their ideas are not new. Other people have thought the way they think. Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Mussolini, Pol Pot, Castro, Ho Chi Minh, Chavez and Maduro… all socialists. All Dictators who first disarmed the people, silenced dissent, imprisoned opponents, then forced their ideas on whoever was left. Many people have tried to estimate the deaths and disappearances from starvation, torture, and murder, and it is over 100 million. All mostly in a 50 year period, from 1930 to 1980. Not including the war casualties. All killed by their OWN GOVERNMENT, because they had a better idea and wanted to try it. But hey, maybe it will work this time, finally.

There comes a time, in every fight, that words are no longer useful. At some point someone is going to lose some teeth, or worse. That point is usually when logic and reason are disregarded or perverted. We are long passed that point. It is time to either part company, or meet in the streets and have it out. In my opinion the only way to do it peacefully would be to build walls around all the big cities (look at the map of districts that voted for Biden. All the big cities!) and let Amazon and Facebook run the place. Those people are sheep, they should live in a pen. Since that is unlikely to happen, I guess we will meet in the streets. And we are ready. So are they (they think). If the cops would just stay home it would be over in a week, and we could all get back to the business of being Americans.

Which brings me to my next point. The reason the cops are not helping us is because they must answer to elected officials. Mayors, Sheriffs, etc. If they don’t obey, they can lose their pension. For TEN YEARS now, since the Occupy protests, cops have been beat up and badgered by the Left, and SUPPORTED by the Right and yet they STILL obey their commie masters and arrest and beat down Conservatives, the very people that profess DAILY support for them and the Law. This will continue until we attack their pensions, which I say should be the next step. Think about it: Their pension consists of money that hasn’t even been earned yet! That means they guaranteed themselves that our kids will work extra hard to give them money when they are old so they can live comfortable in old age. And they’ll throw us in jail if we don’t like it. It is the poisonous, cancerous puppet-string of PENSIONS that causes it. It is a way for the corrupt swamp creatures to say "do what we say and when you retire you will live like a king. Defy us and you'll get less or nothing."

I'd like to propose a new Oath of Office for all government employees, including cops, representatives, officials, even Presidents, as a favor, so you can live in peace without the knowledge that you VIOLATE your current solemn oath with every step you take on the job. Just say "I, (state your name), do solemnly swear to protect and defend my PENSION, and the unions and institutions that implement and administer it, from all enemies, foreign and domestic."

There, now you aren't full of shit anymore! And now the cops that don't stand with the very people that support and defend them can sleep at night while they protect and defend the march of SOCIALISM into every aspect of our lives. But hey, at least they'll get to buy SxS's and a boat when they retire 10 years before everyone else!

Anyone else that took the oath, THE ORIGINAL ONE, and knows that whatever pension you were promised isn't worth JACK SHIT if the socialists get their way, can continue to behave in the way they must... as GUARDIANS OF THE REPUBLIC! Also, it prevents the cowards from believing they took the same oath that some of us Americans did. I accuse them of STOLEN VALOR and treason. I have to believe that woman who got shot, Ashli Babbitt,  knew what she was getting into... she was dumb if she didn't. But that cop that shot her was not adhering to his oath. He should have stayed home.

"When the subject has refused allegiance, and the officer has resigned his office, then the revolution is accomplished." Thoreau

I know, I kinda went off on cops there. But if they acted right this would be over so much sooner. And we could use their help. It should be obvious to them which side is in the right, here. And obvious to everyone. It is the side that is ADHERING to the original deal that was made at GREAT EXPENSE, and great bloodshed, by our ancestors 235 years ago when we, the people, created this government. The other side wants to change it all, because they have a better idea. One that has left a dismal record of failure only an Academic could ignore.