Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Freedom or freedom?

Ok... so I pinned a few guys down in a discussion recently... and it really has opened my eyes about the nature of this left-right dichotomy, a gaping CHASM if you will, in this nation. In the entire WORLD really. The root of the issue is this: The revolutionary Idea that came to fruition in 1776, a paradigmatic shift really, was that each man owns himself absolutely. He is endowed, by his Creator or by Nature, whichever you prefer, with inalienable Rights. These Rights are not bestowed, or given, by others... they are his whether anyone respects them or not. They are his even if he is unaware of them. Even though he might try to sell or abdicate them, or even deny their existence, there they remain… right at the very core of every man’s soul. It is the Logical end-result of the realization of what it means to be the only sentient, rational being on this planet, and, so far, in the entire Universe! It is the very manifestation of a perfect understanding of human Nature. Rights can only be violated.

It wasn't until 1776 that finally a government was instituted among men that held as its' central tenet a respect for the Rights of the Individual (which means in-divisible). For the first time ever, Man is FREE... with no if's, and's, or but's. No asterisk, no footnote. Absolutely FREE.

One of the first things you have to learn in Law School, as well as the very study of Logic, is that a thing cannot both BE and NOT BE at the same time. Our entire legal system was founded on it, and utterly depends on it.

The seed of destruction was planted the first time someone said, "Well, you can't be free to not pay your taxes." And so... the question should have been, "Well, are we Free or not Free?" We cannot be both at the same time. In this country, in the land that our forefathers fought and died for so that we might be absolutely Free, with a capital F, we have willingly relinquished our birthright by agreeing that it should be a relative freedom, with a lower-case f. At first, we willingly sold off bits and pieces of it in exchange for things we thought we needed and that we thought government could better provide. Now we are selling if off at record pace for shit like "Obama phones" and "free" healthcare, never mind that the strings attached have become CHAINS!

I have taken a lot of criticism for my obsession with the idea of absolute, Objective Truth. But the alternative to that is called relative, Subjective truth. And it is the ONLY alternative. Once you abandon Objective Truth, you abandon logic, reason, and science. And you start getting numbskulls who wonder, "If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it... does it really make a sound?" You also get people who deny the humanity (Rights) of others, which enables slavery, murder, and mass-murder. And selfishness... you can justify all kinds of things once you decide that nothing is real and True and everything is subject to how your mind perceives it. You revert back to survival of the fittest. The difference between humans and animals is completely dis-regarded. That is REGRESS, not progress!

This is why you can never take even one step back with these people. When asked the sum of two and two, is there any other answer but four? But they abhor the possibility that someone could be so absolute, so SMUG, so 'black-and-white' as to demand the answer of four and force it upon them.

The answer, for us, if we are to come out of this alive with our Nature and our very Humanity being held in a state of permanent RESPECT by our government, is to go back, all the way back, to 1776, and accept at face value, absolutely and without subordinating conjunction (if, unless, but, etc.) that entire second and third sentence of the document that revolutionized the world and then examine all that has happened since with intense scrutiny and vigor. We will see a change in our way of life... it will be hard on a lot of people. There is a certain comfort in slavery, and not all are willing to give that up. But we will also get to say goodbye to things like the individual income tax, corporate personhood, foreign aid, governmental subsidies (all kinds... corporate welfare, farm subsidies, and yes WELFARE!), unions, cops that treat us like sheep, and a general paring down of all governmental activity, across the board. Also, it might finally make sense to create two classes of citizens: Free Americans, and wards of the State. Wards of the State will necessarily include anyone on public assistance of ANY kind, government employees, violent criminals, and anyone who willfully wishes to participate and live under the wing of the Government. Free Americans will include anyone who doesn't wish to take part in that madness, along with lawbreakers who abused their wardship and were expelled. Don't worry; we'll take "care" of them... What will eventually end up happening is that walls will be built around the cities (look at the red state, blue state voting map by district! There are no blue STATES, only blue cities!), ostensibly to keep the unwashed, selfish capitalists out (but the sharp, pointy barbs will be aiming inward) and they can live happily ever after in their Utopia. I accept the fact that there will always be those that despise the animating contest of freedom and wish to live under the wing of the government. I don't hate them. But the idea is that there must be a place for those who don't want to participate, those that take their Freedom seriously and responsibly. After all, America BELONGS to these people. It is their PROPERTY. They created it, they won it, they gave it life, and they wish to leave it to their children.

Words to look up. I'm serious... no matter how much you think you know these words, look them up again. I do it all the time, just to make sure I am using them correctly. This is important. One of the tools used by subjectivists (Liberals) is to get you thinking that when we say the word Freedom, we mean the same thing. We don't. They have in mind the lower-case version, with if's and's and but's.
  • ·         Endowed
  • ·         Inalienable
  • ·         Rights
  • ·         Bestow
  • ·         Individual
  • ·         Absolute
  • ·         Relative
  • ·         Objective
  • ·         Subjective
  • ·         Truth
And so, having agreed on the definitions of those words, the question I'd like you all to answer is: Do you stand behind the assertion that all human beings are free absolutely, possessed of individual inalienable Rights, that our constitution was instituted to secure these rights, not bestow them, and, with that established, that each individual ought to be secure in his person and his property, free to distribute, delegate, or dispose of the product of his labor and intellect as he sees fit. Do you, or do you not, agree with that statement, as is, with no conditions, asterisks, footnotes, or subordinating conjunctions? Everything from here on out depends on this, and if you don't realize it, you are more lost than you think. Every argument has at its core a misunderstanding and the first remedy is to check your premises. THIS IS THE PREMISE! Every American takes it for granted. It goes without saying. It's in the Pledge of Allegiance. Our entire SYSTEM is built around it. And it is my contention that many of you don't really believe it or value it... that you would sell it for a little perceived security and misguided attempts to promote the general welfare.

Some of you *THINK* you believe it, but only with conditions, or you want to re-define the words it contains, FUNDAMENTALLY changing the meaning. You are adrift and have no real idea what you are, but you are socialists/progressives/liberals/egalitarians/Marxists/Fascists. Others know EXACTLY what they are doing and just want the question to go unanswered until it is too late and we are forced to drop the charade and bend over. Those people are called COMMUNISTS, Subversives, Fabians, Frankfurt Schoolers, and Fifth columnists, and as such they are dangerous to the entire Idea of America and deserve to be set adrift/gulag/HUNG. They cannot be allowed to continue to breathe, because when they get their way, you will only breathe by their permission. And also, some of you *say* you believe it, most of it, but you think you can tinker with the system, adjust a few things, talk sense to the Communists and Socialists, give them a little to get along, and everything will work itself out in the long run. Those people are called Republicans, and they have presided over 100 years of slow decline into SOCIALISM. They are ineffective and infertile. Anyone wanting to wonder why Donald Trump was elected need look no further than this paragraph. But there is hope! Trump means that more than half of the country holds allegiance to NEITHER of those three groups!

The question is, what are you?