Sunday, August 9, 2009

Random thoughts over the years about some of the lies taught to me in college.

It kills me to think about how many people, friends and family of mine included, have been purposefully MIS-EDUCATED by the colleges and universities they have paid, in time and money, to attend. Even worse, that most of them don't even know it...

Government cannot "create" jobs. It can only take money from you (or your children and grandchildren, etc.) and spend it making jobs doing what is in the governments best interest. This is not "creating" jobs, it is re-directing them. Make no mistake: the money the government takes from you now, and your grandchildren in the future, would have created better, healthier, and more productive jobs than anything the government could dream up.

Keynesian Economics is the philosophy of the drug addict who says he will definitely, for sure, no doubt about it, you can take that to the bank, positively quit next week.

The New Deal did not end the Great Depression, it made it last longer.

The Vietnam War was about communist expansion and Russian Imperialism. America has NEVER been an Imperialist nation. If we were, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, etc. would all be American states by now. Who could have stopped us? Certainly not Russia had we bombed them right after the Japanese.

The Nazi's did not emanate from the political "Right." They were Socialists, and all socialism comes from the Left. The political spectrum is, or should be, defined by greater control over individual action(less freedom) on the left end, and less control (more freedom) on the right. Where do you think National Socialism (Nazism) falls on that line?

Inflation is not caused by, and a fault of, the Free Market. It can only be caused by Government printing of money with no backing. Demand-pull Inflation, rising prices due to a shortage of supply, is temporary and a sign of a healthy market. Socialists try to blame all inflation on the Free Market because they hate it.

Recessions and Depressions are not a fault of a Free Market. They are caused by government tinkering and control of a Free Market. A controlled economy is not a Free Market. America hasn't had a Free Market for over 100 years now.

Social Security isn't a retirement plan, it's a Ponzi Scheme, and, like all other forms of Insurance, a bad bet. Why would you bet your car Insurance company that you WILL get in an accident? The only way you can win the bet is if you destroy your property (and that of others) and hurt people.

The only reason Liberals think inflation is bad is because they define it as the Free market adjusting itself to Federal intervention in the capitalist system. Liberals think it is evil for someone to raise the price of the goods they produce as a reaction to the Government watering down the value of the dollars they must accept as payment. They call it inflation when real people react accordingly to the government printing money whenever it needs it. The absurdity is that inflation means artificial inflation of the money supply... that is the only definition that makes sense. It would be too obvious that this is like a car-jacker being outraged that more people are carrying guns, so they have to change the definition of the word "inflation." How *dare* you protect yourself from me!

Steve Casas